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Originally Posted by Greg Jones View Post
Having said that, I'm also wondering if it involves some bug other than just the number of change files. I've trimmed my database down, synced yesterday, and turned the phone off and on to clear memory. I synced over my network again first thing today without making any changes in either database (other than the automatic changes that occur at midnight) and my sync time was still almost 70 seconds. The stats for the database are 40 projects, 257 actions, and 2 zip files-not exactly a behemoth database compared to some of the other stats I've seen mentioned on the forum.
70 seconds for no changes, ouch! That sounds like a different problem than the one I've been talking about in the last few posts.

The first possibility that comes to mind is that your iPhone was busy compacting its sync history: we could determine this by noting whether the number of zip files after the sync is smaller than the number of zip files before the sync.

Another possibility is that the sync server that you're using was slow for some reason: OmniFocus can only sync as fast as your server responds to its requests.

If you want to try to get to the bottom of this, you could Enable File Manager Debug Logging, then plug your iPhone into your Mac or PC and use the iPhone Configuration Utility to monitor its Console while syncing. You should see a bunch of timestamped log messages from OmniFocus which you can copy and paste into an email message to our support ninjas (, and those messages should help us figure out exactly what's taking so long.