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Originally Posted by wilsonng View Post
Are you talking about the new white paper featuring OF and GTD?

Yes, I understand that we're all looking for one resource on how best to use OF and GTD.

But the thing is that I don't think there is a best way to use GTD and OF. We'll all have our own variation of GTD and using it with OF.

The flexibility of OF makes it powerful but mind-numbing to first-time users of OF.

I know I've certainly changed and tweaked my OF/GTD workflow slowly over the past year to fit my own personal needs.

I guess the new white paper is a great step forward towards using OF and GTD!

I believe it is incorrect that "we're all looking for one resource on how best to use OF and GTD," if by that you mean people are seeking a "one best way" of implementation.

I think most of us are past the idea of there being a universal "best way" that applies to everyone. I think people would like to see diverse examples, so they can figure out how to adapt OF and GTD to their own often unique situations.

Adaptation matters, because we all have to continue to be productive while striving to master OF and GTD -- so we don't drop our commitment and abandon our efforts to make OF and GTD effective and efficient.

Many would prefer a central resource (a moderated Wiki) that addresses effective use of OF and GTD, ie., a single "go-to" source of information.

But within that single source, adaptation would be served by

1 - "VISION": Varied examples of how others use OF to implement GTD concepts and principles. Some people want to "think large", ie., be sure they are not overlooking some good and pertinent method or step or workflow or process for using OF, in a way that "fits" with their own vision of how they themselves prefer to work...

2 - "FIX IT NOW, DAMMIT": Immediate solutions to suddenly emerging technical, "how-to" problems, ie., "I got stuck"; "where is this or that feature?"; "how do you do x, or y?"; "what's the work-around when you're trying to do Q or R but the feature doesn't exist?"; etc.

3 - "SO HOW DO I KEEP THE MOMENTUM?" Repeatable (ie., replicable) routines at the process (ie., workflow) or metaprocess-description level, ie., routines that help drive effectiveness in GTD and productivity in OF (versus the sometimes nebulous statements of principles of DA's GTD philosophy, which may still result in differing methods of physical implementation). For example, there may easily be 6 different ways that people have of doing their periodic reviews.

I suppose that all of this can be found to some degree in the existing OF forums. The problem is, it is ill-organized for effective use. Perhaps a wiki is not a full solution.

I suspect that there needs to be a happy little knowledge ecology of:
-the forums;
-a moderated wiki;
-periodic release of OG's white papers on OF;
-periodic release of OG's OF video instructions.

A moderated wiki might be able to contribute in interesting ways, if it were enabled to work with user-posted videos, illustrating points, questions, methods, etc.