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Originally Posted by karlolav
I get an '501 - Not Implemented' error when submitting changes at my sites. As far as I remember it worked on previous versions of OmniWeb, but not anymore. I have no difficulties with Safari, FireFox or any of the backpackit-widgets. Are there any settings in OmniWeb I can change to make it work?
I emailed 37signals a small while ago to check why Backpack suddenly stopped working for me, and they sent this reply:

"We moved to a new host...and parts of Basecamp are now powered by the
lighttpd web server instead of apache. I can't think of anything that
would suddenly cause Omni to not work if it was working before."

They don't officially support Omniweb, and since it works in Safari, they're not going to look into it anymore. Now it's up to the Omnigroup to get it working again. :)