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that’s actually what I was intending to do. I know SALs are not technically projects, but I was meaning anything below the folder level.

But the more I think about this, the more I'd really like to see AORs as a discrete data entity. Here are some of the things I'd like to be able to do with AORs:

establish review cycles for them, just like projects. For example, set my AORs to review quarterly, and some even monthly, while others perhaps annually.

Assign status conditions to them, like active or on-hold. I may have an AOR that is active, then my job is modified for a year so a given AOR is on hold but will resurface.

Then yes, add descriptors/notes.

I’ll use the work arounds we’ve discussed, but ideally I'd see something more robust. It’s the next natural step in the product design. OmniFocus starts where GTD recommends you start, by collecting, processing, organizing, reviewing and acting upon your inputs and agreements. But once you start to get a handle on that stuff, the process starts naturally begging the question of exploring, defining, refining and reviewing your AORs. I’d love to see the product add this functionality to its tool set.