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Yes, it's a tired subject. I'm also pretty amazed that this thread is still active. I'm guessing it could be attributed to the fact that there are people who are using OmniFocus as a to-do list program for a semi-GTD methodology. As David Allen has stated, we have to adapt GTD to fit our own personality. We adapt the tools we have adopted to fit our needs.
OmniGroup is promoting this on their OmniFocus page:

OmniFocus is designed to quickly capture your thoughts and allow you to store, manage, and process them into actionable to-do items. Perfect for the Getting Things DoneŽ system, but flexible enough for any task management style, OmniFocus helps you work smarter by giving you powerful tools for staying on top of all the things you need to do.
So I guess we can't blame folks for trying to add "priorities" to OmniFocus. There will be folks who view priorities as essential to their "GTD" hybrid system.

If priorities are added to OmniFocus, I hope there's a way to hide the priority column since I'll never use it. I'm assuming that OmniFocus 2.0 will have tags or some other mechanism to handle the priorities desire that some folks are having. So we'll have to take a wait and see approach for now. The OmniFolks did say that they're eager to see OmniFocus 2.0 in 2010. So I guess they'll find a way. They have been logging user requests and forum requests for priorities and are investigating ways on how to add priorities into OmniFocus 2.0.

I agree with BwanaZulia's quote of David Allen that priorities are so fluid that it would be impossible to capture, track, and update in any given moment. But there will be a portion of the OmniFocus users who thinks they can. To them, I say "good luck." If if works for them, more power to them.

Last edited by wilsonng; 2009-12-15 at 02:08 AM..