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Originally Posted by whpalmer4 View Post
Mischka, if you had context-mode perspectives on the iPhone, and didn't have to do the bulk of your data entry via the virtual keyboard, would that be a workable setup? Obviously, it still wouldn't be as convenient as having the full desktop application.

If you can leave your MacBook running the Mail application while you are at work, you could use the mail processing features in OmniFocus (see the help for "Processing Mail") to let you do your data entry with a real keyboard and only have to use the iPhone to perhaps do some shuffling of the order. As far as actually executing the work, I find the iPhone/iPod app to be pretty good, myself; it's doing reviews and building projects where the biggest obstacles are for me.
Thanks both of you.

@whpalmer4. I would love to have a context-mode perspectives on the iPhone. Is that available? As for leaving my MacBook on indefinitely, I did that to input new items but I stopped as I was worried I'd burn out the machine; is that a unwarranted fear?

Ideally, I'd like to be able to do project planning on the iPhone app, if I can't have my MacBook w/ me. I think it's relatively easy to punch through Next Actions on the iPhone app, but actually figuring out what are the following actions and reviewing reference items that are on OF, that's a problem on the iPhone app.