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One of the advantages of OmniFu (my opinion) is that it is *not* tailored to business executives — those of us who don't even own a desk can use it.

One of the reasons GTD doesn't work well for me is that I don't have the meetings, business travel, work vs. leisure life that David Allen's GTD was designed for. Vision Statements, Missions, and the like don't work for me, and I'm sure they don't work for many people. I can, and have adapted some parts of GTD to my work, but as a whole, the system is "a fail", as my teenage daughter would say.

What do I do? A bit of everything, actually. I'm a housewife, mother of two active kids, graphic designer, occasional presenter at various cons (gifted education and science fiction), and lately, general contractor on a massive home remodel. If I tried to write a Mission Statement, it would have to be divided into chapters.

And some things don't have capital-G Goals at all. What is the Goal of running a household? There really isn't one ... there is no point at which one can say "I'm done, the job is over."