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Oh wait, I see what the first bug is. I was wrong about the first bug. Here's how to reproduce it:

If you have one action which is overdue and one action which is due soon -- and they're both within the same project -- the sidebar badge will only show you the number which corresponds to the overdue action, even though OmniFocus' Preferences say that it will show BOTH "due soon AND overdue actions" in the sidebar.

That's what the bug is.

If you only have "due soon" actions for a particular project, it adds up all the "due soon" actions in sidebar for that project. If you only have "overdue" actions for a particular project, it adds up all the "overdue" actions for that project. But as soon as you have BOTH "due soon" and "overdue" actions for a particular project, it only gives you a count of the "overdue" actions.