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Originally Posted by Mischka View Post
Thanks again whpalmer4. I am planning on giving it a whirl, I have just the project for it. I think my OF system fall apart because I just didn't do the daily review. I didn't have my MacBook with me at work, which is generally when I'd like to do the review, so I ended up never doing it.
I've been using my iPod touch as a way to compensate. OmniFocus on my iPod touch has helped me to "trust my system" as David Allen talks about. Throughout the day, I'll add to my OF task list whenever an idea strikes. Other times, I'll write an idea on a stack of index cards held together by a small binder clip that I keep in my pocket. I'll input an idea into the inbox on the iPod. The whole idea is to keep a handy capture tool whenever I'm away from the MacBook.

When I get back to my MacBook, I'll sync and flesh out many of the ideas that I entered into the iPod and input the other ideas that I've scribbled down on my index cards.

I also find myself doing a mini daily review throughout the day. When I'm waiting in line at the grocery shop or at the bank, I'll go through my Context list to see what else can be done. Or I can look at my context list to see what next actions should go back into Someday/Maybe. Then I'll look at my Projects list to see if there are any Someday/Maybe projects that can be activated.

Using the iPod touch client has been a lifesaver for me. I don't have to wait to get to my MacBook to do a mini daily review. I can do it almost anywhere when I have to wait for a client or stand in line....