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It seems you are working product-out and not market-in, that is you are not working customer driven. You should set a significant resource on an iPad version. Many businesses are looking at bringing iPad into the business arena, e.g. hospitals, engineering companies etc. Your sketch and omnigraffle, while great apps, are toys on the ipad. A small niche. Engineers will use their workstations etc

On the other hand, a business grade project manager like OmniFocus, will be seen as a serious app and may launch you in the business market via the iPad.

Also, remember, once people buy into an app, like Things, they will be reluctant to switch as they have all their settings done and there is a barrier to exit.

Don't make the mistake to fragment your resources. You need to set priorities and that also means temporary stop-management for some development. now that Things has set a price, you can see the value of a true Omnifocus for iPad.
Things will seduce people from iPad into their iPhone and into their laptops/desktops. And in the process replace Omnifocus.
This is a dynamic market, don't even think you are safe with your current user base. They will leave you behind quickly if you are not in the market. End of the year, or even middle of the year will not cut it. Better be there by may 1st when the next user base on the iPad with 3G comes on line.

And finally, listen to your customers, they are your bread and butter.

Originally Posted by Brian View Post
A version of OmniFocus customized for the iPad is absolutely coming. The current setup - iPhone app on iPad - is strictly temporary.

We did OmniGraffle and OmniGraphSketcher first because drawing with your finger seemed a really good fit for the strengths of the iPad, and because those products didn't have iPhone OS apps in any form.

I wish we were in a position to develop on all of our projects simultaneously, but until we find that developer-cloning technology we keep hoping for, we will have to make tradeoffs from time to time. :-)

I can't quote you a specifics on when or in what sequence the other three apps will appear, but I can tell you we're working to get them to you as fast as possible, and that we're constantly revising our plans from week to week and even day to day.

The "late 2010" estimate was our best guess at the moment that post was made; I have a feeling that the situation today looks somewhat different. I'm compiling a list of questions that folks are asking to pass along to Ken later today - I'll make sure "OmniFocus for iPad" gets a section on that list. Thanks, guys!