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Sorry, I have to play devil's advocate here.

There are people and businesses who rely on Sketcher and Graffle for a living. So no one can exactly dismiss those apps as mere toys.

At the same time, not everybody does GTD. There are some folks who are happy with the Things way of Getting Things Done (GTD). There's certainly a market for that. I think Things is a great introduction to OmniFocus. We've seen a lot of users hit a certain barrier with Things. There are features that OmniFocus has that Things doesn't have. They'll discover OmniFocus in time and gradually switch over.

Things replacing OmniFocus? I don' know about that. There are so many features in OmniFocus that are missing from Things. I couldn't possibly go to Things.

Seriously, would you want to change to Things just because of the iPad? I highly doubt that existing OmniFocus users will want to switch to Things.

It's easy to be an armchair quarterback when we're standing on the sidelines.

The OmniFolks are listening..... They did say their plans and schedules are fluid and subject to change. It's already changed since the January intro of the iPad. They are listening to us. Maybe not fast enough as we want them to be but they are listening.

Remember, there are many forces pulling at the OmniFolks. They still have to put resources into the upcoming OmniFocus 1.8 (and 2.0) as well as OmniOutliner 4.0 desktop and iPad editions. That's at least 4 projects on their plate right there! Then there's OmniPlan 2.0 for desktop and app editions.

In the other forums, some folks are hoping for OmniOutliner 4 desktop first and then telling them to put the iPad edition out later. Damned if they do. Damned if they don't.