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Originally Posted by whpalmer4 View Post
I confess I've never really understood the mindset where person A produces something and person B feels that they should be able to tell person A what to charge, particularly for sales to person B. If, in your opinion, $10 is a fair price for a program like OmniGraffle for iPad, why aren't you selling a comparable, competing program for that price? It's also a bit over the top to be invoking the economy when speaking of software for a $500+ luxury item.
So everyone should be a mute and not give any feedback to the Omni folks and in turn Omni has no idea what their customer base is feeling? As a business owner myself, that sounds weird to me.

Omni has thick skin and can take the feedback like adults. They'll be fine and I assure you they appreciate the feedback no matter how bad or great.

$50 is steep for me a man with every new Apple gadget and software program going. Maybe an intro price of $25 dollars to get the ball rolling and then move to the $50 once the reviews come in.

Or Omni just stays the course and hope for the best because there is no way Omni charges less now regardless.