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I've got a solution (albeit semi-manual) to custom order my tasks.

Here's the setup: I've got a "Today" perspective that shows Due or Flagged items and I sort the perspective by task name. At the beginning of the day I add letter's and numbers in brackets at the beginning of each task (e.g. [A1], [A2], [B1], [B2], etc.). This sorts my tasks in the order I want. The letters correspond loosely to the Franklin-Covey Quadrants. A being urgent and important, B being urgent not important, and C being important but not urgent. The numbers correspond to the order I am planning to accomplish them in. Then the next day if I have left over tasks that I didn't get to, I do a find and replace using this regular expression "\[[ABC][1-9]+\]" to remove yesterdays priorities, and start fresh.

This solves the order and priority issue (at least for the Today perspective). Hypothetically you could use any naming convention you want to specify priority and order.

It's not as easy as drag and drop, but it works, and isn't that difficult.

Last edited by reallyseth; 2010-04-30 at 12:16 PM..