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I got OmniGraffle with educational discount because of my job. I use it very rarely, but what I turn out always impresses my Visio (on WinPC) using colleagues. When the pricing came out for v5 I sat on my hands and decided to make do with v4.2.2. I just didn't use the app enough to feel that it was worth spending the money on the upgrade.

When I look at my Mac i realise that there is a hell of a lot of software on their that was registered and rarely gets used: ChronoSync, VoodooPad, Fetch, DiskBlaze, Stuffit, Audio Hijack Pro, SoundConvertor, and the list goes on and on.

My iPad will be turning up as soon as Apple release them to us Europeans at the end of this month. I had initially decided to buy OmniGraffle and OmniFocus (when the latter reaches the big screen), but seeing the price of OmniGraffle I just can't justify the purchase. I am just not serious enough of a user to need it that badly.

Omni need to pay their staff to develop and market the app. I can't argue with that, but that doesn't make it easier to justify the cost of the app for me. Now we have a 30 day money back scheme to tempt us with, but somehow I am still not tempted. I would have rather bought it for less and swallowed the bitter pill of it didn't work out for me.

If you can justify it and afford it then go ahead and buy it, however, even as a stand-alone app I can't at this price. I would like it and because of what I do for a living plenty of people get to hear me evangelising about Mac and their products, as well as what others offer in software terms for the Mac platform.. Things must be bad on the PC side as some of the real PC diehards are that I know are coming to our platform.