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Originally Posted by endoftheQ View Post
If it is seriously a question of voting - whether on a change, feature request, or bug fix - I would find it extremely helpful if there was a sticky thread that allowed users to cast their vote. I've seen this on other boards, where you have the ability to vote on a item, so wouldn't it be possible to list say the current top 20 requests with a vote button beside each one? It would mean that end-users wouldn't have to trawl through 1000's of postings to see what might have already been discussed before deciding whether they need to raise it as an issue and vote for it and perhaps it would help the Ninjas who wouldn't have to log emails against requests. Just a thought!
Arguably, the top 20 items don't need representation -- they already have many votes and Omni knows they are important to people. It is the items further down with only a few votes where more clarity might be achieved. Having to actually send an email instead of just clicking a button encourages a bit of investment, if you will, in a way that simply tapping a button or posting "me too" or "+1" doesn't. How important can something really be if one isn't willing to write a sentence or two in an email requesting it? It is like sending a kid into a candy store with some money -- give him 50 cents and he is going to buy what is most important to him. Give him 50 dollars and he is probably going to buy a whole bunch of stuff just because he can ("gimme one of everything!")

I think it is pretty simple -- if you encounter something that matters to you, whether a bug that needs fixing, or a feature that needs implementing, send in a vote. Maybe even start a forum thread to sell other users on your idea and encourage them to send in a vote.

Remember also that what you see on the forum may not be totally representative of the whole user community. People who contact Omni directly by phone or email/Help->Send Feedback may never contribute to the forum regarding their issue(s). I suspect that many new user issues, particularly from users new to Omni products and unaware of the forum's existence, may tend to go that way. Looking at forum posts one might say that tagging/metadata is the most popular request, but the support ninjas may say that the bulk of the calls they get are from new users trying to understand why new items in the inbox don't appear somewhere else, or other typical getting started questions. Watching the release notes, I'm often struck by the number of changes that didn't seem to me to have been driven by forum traffic, but are accommodations to users who aren't coming from a hard-core GTD background.