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Does anyone know if there are plans to implement a 'Logbook'-style feature for OmniFocus? I'd like to be able to look back in time and see what tasks I have accomplished.

I realize I can change my project filter to 'completed', etc., but this is not really what I'm looking for.

I want to be able to ask OmniFocus the question: "what did I do yesterday? last week? last month?". Such a feature would show me, in order by date descending, which tasks I checked off recently. Of course I could filter by project or by other criteria, but the ability to effectively retrospect on my productivity is the core use case.

It seems to me this would add a lot of value to the application without, necessarily, a lot of work. I believe that using GTD in general, and OF specifically, genuinely makes me more productive, but how do I know? I'd like to look back in time and have a warm fuzzy feeling about what I've gotten done.

I imagine many folks have requested similar support, yet I don't see much in the forums after a quick search. Have I missed it?