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Originally Posted by pacso View Post
The available iPhone version (like all other iPhone apps) is iPad compatible. Granted it looks kinda funny, but it works.

Quit your moaning, install it (since you already own it) and just wait another week or two for them to finish the iPad version properly.

I'd much rather have a complete and reliable app than something rushed out to market with flaws in it.
Who says I was moaning? I was merely questioning OG's shift in their decision to delay the OF since the beginning of this year, and suggested a possible solution that could have made the situation better for some of their existing users. I don't mind waiting a week or two, but I think you missed my point. Most of us have been waiting since April for the release of OF for iPad. I appreciate every company needs to make its own product/marketing decision, but that doesn't mean its customers cannot question it or provide suggestions for change.

If I sounded critical, then I apologize since I'm a huge OG and OF fan. Yes, I do have OF installed in my iPad, but every time I use it, I can't help but think how great it would be to have the high resolution version. I'm now using the new iPhone version more given its high resolution, but my preference still lies with the iPad.