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Originally Posted by daverobeson View Post

And looking at these tasks in Context view can be confusing. What if I have TWO "Set up Y" tasks, but under different parents? And one is due today and the other a week from now? How do I know which one to work on today when the only visible differentiator in this view is the Project Name and they're both the same?
Yes, that's an issue, but it isn't unique to this part of the program (or even this application). Anywhere where you may show only the trailing component instead of the full "path" you are going to have potential aliasing problems like this. If you have folders in your sidebar for different areas of responsibility and have projects with the same name in more than one, you've got the same problem. If you have a project template which you use to make identical projects for different clients, you have this problem. Sometimes, you have to put more detail in the last component of the name.
I could swear it didn't used to be this way... Or was it?
Not exactly sure what you mean by "it" here, but there has always been an issue whenever you make the differentiation between two items be a part that you aren't displaying, whether that be position on the page, or a component of the path. How would you propose fixing that?

I'll tell you what I do — I use Curt Clifton's Populate Template Placeholders script for my identical projects, and the templates have a placeholder in the actions for the name of the client or project or other identifier so that I can look at the action alone and know what it is. I avoid structuring a project so that I have identically named actions in different places in the project.