Thread: I need 'OUT' !
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Originally Posted by endoftheQ View Post
Yup! + SMS and MMS support. I'd love to be able to delegate dozens of actions by text such as 'clean the car' to my Old Lady and the Kids (who don't have the OmniFocus App). I imagine extensive use of this feature might even help me get the divorce and spare bedrooms I so desperately crave!

ASIDE: I can't wait to test out your script, JohnJ80. I'll let you know how it goes. Thanks for posting it.
glad to help. let me know if it works for you.

I just bought this HoneyDo app from the app store. I think it has a lot of elements that make a lot of sense.

One thing that just came to mind, and would need some more idea development - if Omni were to put Tags support into OF *and* the ability to assign an email address to a tag, theoretically one could tag the action with those to whom it was delegated. Pressing a button would send the action to all as an email/sms/mms etc... Would be really interesting and helpful.

There is a big need for the ability to delegate a task and to get that task in written/electronic form to the person to whom it was delegated. That's a big issue for a lot of us that work in teams, in families, supervisory roles and other cooperative groups.

Another thing I noticed - many times we discuss issues and features like this and then they show up in other apps.... Hmmmm.
