Thread: Eye Candy
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I am very happy with Omnifocus for iPad. It is solid, feature rich, and extremely easy to use. You hit the ball out of the park on this one Omni!

Now, this is not in any way a complaint, but a suggestion for the future.

I would like to see you incorporate more eye candy in the UI. Now that the interaction is amazingly solid, how about adding some of that beauty that certain apps nail? Perhaps some textures and animations to alter the look and feel to a more paper based style. Contacts and Calendar have the type of look that comes to mind. The page turning in iBooks also comes to mind.

Just an idea. In my opinion, this kind of visual design would draw many more customers in and be an incredible pleasure to use.

That being said, the functionality of Omnifocus has to come first. Anything that would interfere with the flow should not be done. Balance is key, but I think it might be possible to do and may very well be financially worth it for you.

Just a thought!