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I just took a trip to London bringing only my iPad and I must say sitting in your bed, and just using your iPad to do your weekly review while you have the view of Big Ben outside your windows feels great.

I know some people critisise OmniGroup for the price, but it my opinion its a bargain at 40$. I would have paid 200$ for this app. It is without a doubt the best iPad app I have every tried and it literally makes me happy to open it every time I do.

I have a love/hate relationship to the App Store pricing tendencies. On one hand its nice to get great apps at a very affordable price, but on the other hand serious developers like OmniGroup who clearly put so much time and effort into their products gets critisised for setting the price of their apps just a little higher. I remember a time pre iPhone where every app for Windows Mobile would cost at least 20-30$ and they were literally crap compared to this lump of gold OmniGroup has created and names OmniFocus for iPad.

Just my 2 cents