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Originally Posted by sfkeydel View Post
I do this every day (forward mail from iPhone and iPad for processing by the Omni Mail rule) with no trouble whatsoever. Just did it again to prove to myself that I'm not crazy.
Hi sfkeydel,

I'm gobsmacked to hear you've succeeded where we've all failed! I'd love to know your secret. For further info. on the problems us mortals experience, check out this thread.

EDIT: I've just read through some other threads and it appears that some ISPs mail servers and some web mail services strip out the offending formatting. May I ask which mail service provider you're using?

EDIT: Just tested forwarding emails from my iPhone via my GoogleMail account and these do get processed. GoogleMail obviously strips out the offending formatting.

Last edited by endoftheQ; 2010-08-03 at 02:31 PM..