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Originally Posted by ksrhee View Post
I think you missed our points. What we are saying, OF for Ipad is a superior product than Things for Mac at a higher price point.

If you want to get Things for iPad at a half price point, go ahead. You will find you can't really use the program for an extended period time w/o getting frustrated due to missing features or lack of functionality.
I did. I didn't. Very happy with Things, thanks all the same. Your mileage may vary. I appreciate this is an OF forum so - for what it's worth to anyone paying attention: the UI is important to me (I have to look at this thing regularly) as well as the functionality. OF has too little of the former and has the same problems with the latter that I have with Windows: too much opportunity to tinker with the system instead of actually getting stuff done. I have two careers (currently dealing with working on 5 technical books plus a regular tax lawyer caseload) and a home life to deal with so there's enough to get done that I don't need to add "tweaking the GTD system" to it.

I keep lurking here just to see whether OF could produce something better but - as far as I can tell from screenshots and reviews - it hasn't. And I'm not going to spend $40 to verify that, given the sunk costs of OF/Mac and iPhone already incurred and no longer used. At $20 I would probably have tried it out, to see whether an iPad version was less likely to have tinkering-distraction potential (I don't use Things on iPad, it offers no functionality over Mac+iPhone) - and whether or not the massive font really would cause client confidentiality problems if I tried to use it in public.