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Originally Posted by Brian View Post
We've done pretty well in our 15 year history by listening to what our customers want and trusting that features with broad appeal make for an app with broad appeal.

This feature has deep demand among a narrow segment of the customer base. I'm really sorry, but it's not the same thing.
Agreed it is not the same thing. What IMO Omni is missing - by a lot, based on comments here - is how extraordinarily powerful a tool cloning can be. With cloning implemented and marketed the appeal could be broad, not just a narrow segment. The folks at MORE missed it too; they had an awesome tool they did not fully understand and hence did not market.

Originally Posted by Brian View Post
Solutions that involve walling off sections of the application into modes aren't going to fly; if there's one thing we've learned form OmniFocus, it's that customers hate arbitrary limitations like that.
An app like OmniFocus requires free-form as part of its raison d'etre. An outliner however is by definition structured. I believe OO users would accept structural limitations of a feature like cloning. After all, the folks who do not need cloning lose nothing. Only those of us who need cloning would suffer limitations, and for clone users losing a few features like some columns interaction is no big deal.

Originally Posted by Brian View Post
Unless we can do it right - integrate it with the app's other features - we shouldn't do it.
I could not agree more that unless you can do it right you shouldn't do it. However I do not at all agree that it somehow is not "right" unless it integrates fully with all other OO features present and future. Cloning is so powerful it deserves inclusion without being excused away based on conflict with some other feature.

Thank you.
