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Someone has started a thread like this already but I could not find it so I thought I would post this in a new thread.

Personally, IMO, I think the new interface is absolutely fine. The program looks great. However, it is not yet quite a joy to use. Why? It just takes way to long - in comparison to the desktop version - to make projects.

My projects are often very long with 5-10 tasks at minimum and various sub-projects involved. It takes way to long to outline these on the iPad.

For example:

On the mac if I want to add a new task I simply press enter, on the iPad I have to press that '+' sign in the corner, and then tap new tasks. And if I want that new task to be a part of a subproject, whereas on the PC I simply press Apple+], on the iPad you have to open the task... then Press move... And so on.

It is just too long winded to serve as your 'main' GTD program. I was hoping maybe for some simply dragging to embed tasks within sub projects, and a much quicker way of adding new task. That two step processs just isn't working for me.

When I have serious reviews to do, or big projects to outline I just wait until I get back to my Mac. This means I only really use the iPad as a more pleasant way of seeing what I have to do when I am out and about.

Beyond that though, the program is great. I am sure the Omni guys will be on the case with this already and regardless of whatever criticism one can make of the iPad version, it beats absolutely anything else that is out there.

Oh, one more thing - Forecast is marvellous!!!

Last edited by danz013; 2010-08-11 at 03:03 AM..