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Originally Posted by whpalmer4 View Post
It's a new app, why shouldn't they be paid for it? If it isn't of sufficient value to you, don't buy it!
whpalmer4, you've hit the nail-on-the-head. It's not a question of price-point but value-for-money.

I don't think of myself as price sensitive. However, having downloaded OmniGraphSketcher (c'mon guys, no data import?!) and OmniGraffle for iPad and deleted both of them, bought into OmniFocus for iPad and thought "meh!" I'm not sure that I'll be so cavalier in purchasing OmniOutliner, OmniPlan and OmniWeb for the iPad as they get released.

Perhaps there is a 'value' that I'm not perceiving in the current crop of Omni's premium-priced products against competitors, it doesn't seem from reading other Member's comments that I'm alone in that. If there is such a 'value', Omni is failing to inform and educate a long-term user like myself about what the benefits exactly are.

As I've mentioned in other threads, an OmniGroup format would probably make the suite compelling to me, but I'm not holding my breath that's ever going to happen.

If I'm missing the point, happy to be enlightened! :confused:

Last edited by endoftheQ; 2010-08-15 at 03:09 AM..