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I too am having problems reconciling the $40 price. The bottom line is that my original workflow was to plan on the Mac version and then execute on the iPhone. When I got my iPad, I started doing a little of that execution on the iPad instead.

And although I don't like using apps designed for the iPhone on my iPad (it's just a waste of screen space and design), it's more than good enough for that simple task. I always assumed that I'd upgrade when the iPad version of OmniFocus came out, but I have a hard time spending $40 when the current system works just fine.

If I didn't have the iPhone version, I don't think I'd have a problem. I do understand Omni's desire to keep their software prices sustainable. But with a working version already, it's hard to justify the price.

Maybe if I could convince myself that I'd do reviews or project management on the iPad if I got the newest version. But the Mac version still seems the best version for planning.
