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Something I find frustrating about the iPad review facility is that there is no way to set the next review date. If I have a project that is dormant for a while, I probably don't want to review it at all, but I don't want to achieve that by changing the review interval, because when it becomes active again it will need much closer attention. The database already stores the needed data to make this work well, but I can only set one of the values from the Mac. If I decide while receiving on iPad that a project should get a future start date and thus a new next review date, I have to mark the project in some fashion or add a note to the inbox reminding me to fix it up when I'm at the Mac. I've tried the more scalable approach of adding a task to the OmniFocus group's inbox to have them fix this for everyone, but they haven't done it yet — maybe it is more than a 2 minute task :)