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I used MS office for years and grew weary of the bloat. I did find the ribbon helpful in one regard: displaying lots of formatting options at one time, in a more accessible way than the menus had.

But that was all. And since there's precious little formatting to be done in an OmniFocus document, i can't see how the ribbon would be an improvement. As I use OF more and more, I find I use the menus less and less. The Inspector works fine for me, and I very much prefer the ability to drag it around to where I'm working than to moving back and forth to the Menu Bar.

I appreciate your intention to improve OF, but as a former ribbon user, I can't quite see how the ribbon improves OF. I say this so you understand my opinion is not based on some knee-jerk reaction against all things Microsoft (although I am very happy to have them out of my life), but on the basis of having used it extensively and found it useful under circumstances different than the ones I experience with OF.

Anyway, that's my 2 cents.

Last edited by rogbar; 2010-08-28 at 08:15 AM..