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Originally Posted by endoftheQ View Post
Aw c'mon, whpalmer4, you reckon QuickTime for Windoze was a big money maker huh? :rolleyes:
All by itself? Nah. I think it was a necessary part of the iPod/iTunes package, without which they wouldn't have made so much money.
OK, maybe the OmniFolk are far too busy partying at Ken's Malibu beach house, but I reckon the company could do with spinning some more gold pronto, as they're always admitting they are under-resourced. If OF for PC was a hit, then maybe OmniOutliner 4 and OmniWeb 6 might actually happen. ;) Ditto OF for Android.

As there are more PC than Mac users with iDevices it just seems rather logical to cater for them, rather than selling them an App with no export facility.
Only makes sense to cater to them by building PC apps when you want to be in the business of building and selling PC apps. Or Android apps.

Not every fine cabinetmaker secretly dreams of mass-producing bookcases for IKEA, you know :)