Thread: Password Lock
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Originally Posted by whpalmer4 View Post
Well, are you worried about a determined attacker, or your kid accidentally deleting your database? You can probably insulate yourself reasonably against accidental problems by not having the OmniFocus icon visible, and only launching from the search screen. With iOS 3.2.x, once you've filled up the screens, subsequently downloaded apps will only be accessible via the search screen, and do not seem to return to view if you delete some of the apps filling the screens.

Given that there is no encryption support in any of the other versions, I think it is not a slam dunk case that this would be a must-have feature for 1.0 on the iPad. Who hasn't lent their iPhone to someone? My solution is I just don't let someone I don't trust use my iPad! If a data security feature shows up, sure, I'll use it, but apparently for most of us, it isn't at the top of our priority list, or there would be more posts on the forum asking for it.
I think you miss the point.