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Just happened upon this thread again whilst searching to see what others do in terms of ordering actions within a context. In the absence of due dates/times etc. it seems natural when working in a given context to wish to order actions according to how you wish to complete them and/or assign a higher 'priority' by placing certain actions at the top of the list within a context.

Looking at the xml file(s) that constitute the OF database I can see that folders, projects and tasks appear to have a 'rank' which presumably relates to their 'order' relative to their 'siblings'. Would it not be relatively easy to add an additional 'context ranking' that pertains to a given item's position within a context? This 'context rank' would permit manual reordering within a context and be completely autonomous from the 'planning mode' rank.

Just a thought. Seems rather obvious and so I fully expect folks to point me to that post I've not seen that explains why such a thing is unfeasible :-)