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I, initially, paused when I saw the price tag. I'd used OF on my PowerBook for a while but I found that I didn't use it enough because it wasn't really portable. I started using a Moleskine instead because at least that was with me when I thought of stuff that needed doing.

When I got my iPod Touch I got Toodledoo and was happy to have a digital to do list again and be able to use contexts. When I got my iPad I was using it scaled up until they made it Universal. I checked for OF all the time. I got Todo and really liked it. So much better than Toodledoo!! Then, when OF came out, I was bummed to see it was so "expensive." I wondered if I would really get so much more out of it to justify the cost.

Yesterday I downloaded OF and started using it today. I work as a high school Activities Director. At any given time I have at least four projects in various stages of production. I have to constantly look forward to next month, next year. The projects have lots of details and are time sensitive. I have an awful memory, to boot, and am easily distracted.

To me, the ability to use OF the way I want, to nest projects within folders, to reorder projects at will, that alone has freed me up to think less about what I need to get done anfpd more about what i'm doing. But, I have a feeling that the Forecast and Review are only going to push me further.

What sold me was the 30 day money back guarantee. However, I have a feeling that I won't be exercising that option. I think I would have missed Todo already but I didn't. Not at all. I have a feeling that my use of OF will be come more automatic as time goes on.

Is OF expensive? No. Forty bucks is just not that much money. Compared to a game that I play for half an hour? Maybe. I think the app store makes it look like all apps should be $5 or less. I admit, i'll even occassionally agonize over a game that is $2.99 until I realize that's less that a couple coffee's at St*arbucks.

I don't make more money based on how well I do my job, per se. But, it's a stressful job and if OF makes me better and happier, then I guess that's worth $40. OF is really great if you have multiple projects with varied actions required. If you can make due with a simpler todo list then you should do so.