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Originally Posted by endoftheQ View Post
I guess my expectation is still for upgrade pricing regardless of initial cost, I think less of Apple for requiring purchasers of iLife to fork out the full amount each time, even simple utilities that I've bought for a few bucks via Kagi have always offered a discount for owners of previous versions.
iLife is only USD$80 and Final Cut Pro is USD$1000. There is arguably the same development cost spent on both products each quarter.

If you want to pay $1000 for iLife so that you only have to pay $500 next year when iLife 'nn is released, I think you should email that suggestion to Steve Jobs right away.

Originally Posted by endoftheQ View Post
Those customers that bought it as a task manager (iPad) or a (shopping) list app (iPhone) would I guess be pretty disgruntled at having to rebuy.
Ths ppl r nt nl dts, bt thy r ls a cmpltly ncnsqntl sbst f "cstmrs" nd "srs".

Last edited by Brian; 2010-10-05 at 10:31 PM.. Reason: Ad-hominem disemvoweled.