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Hey Newtronan,

Glad to of been of service!

I agree, and have posted earlier in this thread, that IMHO Omni's (UK) App Store product info isn't very clear.

The blurb could do with a bit of a polish, especially in regard to usage, pricing, syncing, compatibility etc. I've in the past been tempted to say to people "it's obvious!" but then I came to use the Apps via OF on the desktop.

For example, I think it's very helpful that some Reviewers have taken it on themselves to stress that OmniFocus is primarily for committed GTD'ers rather than a task-management, to-do or list App.

Also, just a few days ago, a mate was disappointed that he'd purchased OF for the iPhone and found that he couldn't then purchase OF for the PC! I took another look at Omni's App Store info, as dispassionately as possible, and realised it isn't clear that OF for the desktop is only available for the Mac.

Hopefully, at some point in the future, Omni will redo their sales spiel in a way that might eliminate or at least minimise this kind of confusion.

Good luck with your GTD! :)

Last edited by endoftheQ; 2010-10-10 at 04:47 AM..