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No intention at all to ridicule - very sorry that it came over that way - a cultural difference in sense of humour perhaps. My culture that is at fault - not yours.

The advice I wanted to give indirectly is that while one can certainly learn a lot from reading the code of others, the leverage does increase tremendously if one can find a way of expanding one's lexicon of basic concepts with a bit of background reading.

The role of "Unicode Text" in the Applescript dictionary entry for "parse tasks with transport" would, for example, become less of a stumbling-block as soon as one acquired some familiarity with the range of basic data types, and with the notion of functions expecting parameters of particular types.

Without these elements, forum discussions are bound to become protracted, and possibly a little frustrating.

Matt Neuburg's Definitive Guide to Applescript is probably where I would start - he goes pretty thoroughly through the building blocks of data types and so on.

Good luck with your coding and experimentation !
