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The way I use omniFocus is to build a list of things that I need to d, and by when I need to do them ... but I actually organise and visualise my time in iCal. Even the feature in the iPad version that shows the future tasks, whilst a great addition, is nt the same as a calendar. Tasks and events get added to the calendar from many sources ... TripIt, Exchange, a phone call, someone coming into my office etc etc. So OmniFocus is one tool to help me organise my thinking, but is not the centre of my planning ... if for no other reason than the fact that I can't SEE my days, weeks, months laid out in front of me. This was the way I was trained to think in the old filofax days ... for good reasons .. it works.

So, to have OmniFocus tell me what needs to be done and when is very important. Then I can organise how and when I do my tasks in iCal. So, yes, I would like to have the to-do function back please.

And I do agree with people who call for integration with OmniPlan ... to do the basic thinking in OmniFocus, then to do the planning and detailed resource allocation etc in OmniPlan.