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I find the delete-key behavior a little odd, too. I haven't been using OF all that terribly long, and I'm certainly aware that I just need to get used to it. Still, I have this vague feeling when I use OF, that there are some small things that don't work quite the way I anticipate, none of them that important in themselves, but that perhaps add up to the all-too-common critiques: "OF's interface isn't that great", or "There's a steep learning curve."

The delete (backspace) key, when I'm working on individual actions, does this:
- Editing the action's title, delete text.
- When there's no letters left in the title, if the delete key is pressed again, delete the entry and select the LAST FIELD of the previous entry.
- Now press it again, select fields of that entry in reverse order until one with a value is selected, at which point the key switches back to letter-by-letter text deletion.
- Continue to loop through field select/text deletion/entry deletion.
- After I emptied my OF library in this way, the final press of the delete key seems to have erased my hard drive! The power of this application is phenomenal! :D

whpalmer, respectfully, this is outliner behavior, not the kind of activity I'd expect from a text file. I know that OF is grown from OmniOutliner, so this makes sense. I think part of my problem is that I have a mental model (coming over from Things) of my actions being "objects", not "lines" or "entries". As I said, I need some time to get used to OF's way. I just thought I'd throw in 2¢ about something I'm having trouble getting used to.

What I expect is more like:
- Delete text.
- When there's no more text to delete in a field, don't do anything, until I select the entry as a whole. Then delete the entry.
- After deleting an entry, either select the previous entry as a whole so I can delete that too, or don't select anything.

The "select fields in reverse order until you hit text" is the weirdest thing for me to get used to. That's what Shift-Tab is for!

ADDENDUM: Let me note also when this behavior is "biting" me. When I edit an action's title, I finish typing the text I want, then I hit Return, because I'm done (I've tried Fn-Return, too; I'm on a laptop, and that's supposed to be Enter), and it creates a new action below, which I don't want. So then I hit delete, and I'm in in the last field of the task I just gave a title to. Not the end of the world, but not what I'm expecting, either.

Last edited by JF_Herschel; 2010-12-03 at 03:02 PM..