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I've just started using OmniFocus a couple of days ago, evaluating it having used Things.

One thing I can't figure out, which I would appreciate some help on is repeating tasks that I will miss.

Let's I have a weekly repeating task for Monday at work and the next Monday is a holiday and I won't be at work. So I will do the task on Tuesday when I go back to work. I have two choices. I can either let the task sit in "Overdue" until the next day. The problem here is that I don't want to see things in overdue if I can help it. It creates anxiety for me. I can reschedule the task so that it will be due on Tuesday instead of Monday. If I do that, then the week after the task will be due on Tuesday instead of Monday, which I don't want.

I can't check the task off or delete it because I haven't done it and I still want it for next week. Unfortunately, stuff like this a couple times of month.

What is the best way to get around this? In "Things" a new task automatically gets generated and that task can be manipulated however I want apart from the master repeating task that never gets touched - the task just gets copied instead. Am I missing something or is there a better way of doing this?
