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The OMNI PRO video tutorials are terrific, but the information is presented too fast for me to follow completely. Can OMNI furnish scripts for these tutorials, available in text format, that I can download and study?

If not, what suggestions does anyone have regarding learning how to do all of the many neat tricks the presenter flashed through – almost like magic acts – on the quick screens, a la, "now you see it, now you don't."

Is there any way to slow the videos down while you are watching them? This way, maybe I could take notes.

My OMNI manual is a nice presentation, but doesn't go into much detail on how to do all of the great stuff the video shows. I searched at Amazon to see if there might be a guidebook on OMNI PRO, as published by a third-party, but could not find one.

If no such scripts or guidebooks are available, can anyone offer any tips on how best to learn how to use this outstanding program? Thanks.