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Originally Posted by wickenden View Post
I'm a happy mac user who has an android phone (my second). I had a touch a long time ago. I bought an iPad only for Omnifocus. I would love to have a solution so that I could have my omnifocus action items in some web interface I could see on my android phone.
Since this thread began in 2008 I think a significant change has happened for android. If you can't give me a full on client, then synch to the web. Right now I'm getting it into my google calendar by synching with Spanning-Synch.
No doubt Android has advanced, but what we are starting to see is the trend towards closing things up a bit. I bet you will see more and more restrictions on their apps or how you can load apps as time goes on. I know a bit off topic, but I have been with Android for some time and am a moderator on a Android forum. We are starting to see changes taking place that makes it look like the folks at Google kind of see why Apple did what they did (to a point) with their app control.
This being said... I am doing something I never thought I would do. Come Feb 3, I will pre-order my iPhone and give up my Incredible. Things are just more polished on the iPhone and Android appears to be spreading themselves out to much to really tweak things. Apps like Omnifocus, and many others, are my main reason for the switch. Although I like when apps are cross platform, there can also be a big disadvantage when it comes to maintenance and overall improvements since it takes away from the focus on the main OS.