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I really like OmniFocus, however I need to access this data from non Apple devices. I have been a Palm Pilot, since that was a device and long before GTD was a buzzword. Since OmniFocus synced with iCal it was an excellent source database for my project planning. This allowed me to update my projects from my Palm Devices and web browser via MobileMe. But this latest move has completely alienated my other PDA's, smartphone and Windows laptop. I am now becoming reliant on Evernote, which is everywhere I am and on every device I have 100% synced. Since OmniFocus has limited itself as an Apple proprietary app- well not even that now since it does not play with MobileMe anymore, I guess it has become a relic of the past. I don't use an iPod, iPhone, or iPad, but I do work in a Palm and PC world. OmniFocus was my core task collection, planning, tracking, and execution platform. The iCal sync was a hub for this critical plan to be disseminated to everywhere I went. When I got back to my Mac, it collected all of the resulting status of my events and collected new ones from my email. It was a bit extended, but the automation was real time saver and very efficient. But I guess that is what happens when I use to many cogs to reach me. Evernote seems to have overcome this OS platform and device limitation, but I am having to recreate what I already have in OmniFocus and was already tracked in MobileMe. I have been a long time user of BusyCAL and really like it for calendars. It was great to update my tasks from within the program while I used it knowing full well that my master database would be accurately updated. From what I can see the tasks since the upgrade are still on MobileMe and they reference a URL that has OmniFocus in it. If OmniFocus will not work in a way where it can be accessed on the Web (OS and device independent), then it is dead to me. :(