2011-03-21, 02:13 PM
Hi. Many thanks from the new user : )
I guess I was dragging and dropping to an open window pane and it is necessary to put the link in the notes is that right? For instance I would have a task called linked documents and then in the notes I could have a list of linked documents is that right? Or is there a way to make the actual linked document the note so you don't have to click into the note to get to the document (if that makes sense).
If I just want the link I should not hold down the option key, yes? If I hold down the option key there is no active link anymore is that right? I mean, if I /don't/ hold down the option key and update the doc and save it, it will get updated in Omni, yes? Can I access the document from /within/ Omni, update the document, save it and - I assume - have it get updated, yes?
If I hold down the option key there is no more "active" link is that right?
Also, can you help me with this part a little more? I am downloading the iPhone app today.
> If you embed the file, a copy is made and stored in the OmniFocus database (you'll want to tread carefully if you do a lot of this and sync your database with an iPhone or iPad). You need to be careful if you want to edit the file because it will not sync your changes if you edit it in what would seem to be the most obvious way! If you want to edit the file, my advice is to make your changes, save the resulting file to your desktop as a new file, then embed the new file and remove the old one. If you need to edit the files frequently, you might be better off storing them in Dropbox and just keeping a reminder of where they are in OmniFocus.
I didn't follow this. I had been using Things but it was not so good for my needs. I am storing the file on Dropbox. But having the link to the file in Things was really nice. I could just open Things and click on the link and the document would open. I could edit, save and it would get updated all around. Are you saying I can't do this with Omni for some reason?
ALSO, is there any way to edit the document (a Pages document) on my iPhone or can I just access it from the phone...?
Thanks a ton.
- Jon