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While it does look nice to have "documented" your daily routine and see that you've already checked off your daily routine tasks, sometimes it may be just too much work to enter it into OF.

I rarely enter this kind of daily routine stuff into OF. The only routine stuff I tend to put in are biweekly, monthly, quarterly, bi-monthly, and yearly stuff. These would be things like:

1. Check my car's odometer to see if I need to change the oil every 5,000 miles.

2. Prepare quarterly department report

I would enter a daily routine task to remind myself to do that task until it becomes rote memory. It becomes ingrained in me so that I don't have to think about it anymore.

it's like a a recipe. You'll probably need a check list if you're preparing a recipe the first few times. But after a while, you'll already know what you need and you don't need to run through a checklist again.

Many folks tend to find OF better at helping you keep track of the one-off kind of tasks and projects.

For my daily routine stuff, I usually just block off some time during the day. My morning stuff usually happens between 6:00 am to 6:30 am. So my calendar just shows an appointment for that slot. I usually have 4 pm to 5 pm time slot that is marked as unavailable for appointments. This is my work wrap-up hour where I try to do all the daily clean up tasks before I close up the shop.