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I keep trying to tap hold and drag but all i get is a menu with cut, copy, and paste. No handle appears for me.

To promote something to the top of the list (The NEXT ACTION) using cut and paste I must cut and paste the action as second and then cut and paste the top actions as second. (selecting the top item of the list pastes the item after not before it.)

Short of drag, It would be easier if there was a button for each action that moves it up one or hold to move to the top of the list or sub-list. Once at the top it should probably ask if you want to move it to the bottom, promote or move up to the next sub-list.

Even after several point releases the interface is very clunky and it's now up to version 1.2.4. When can we expect that this will get better?

Is anyone working on it ?

This flat out @#$@# !

(hint, it rhymes with ducks)