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Originally Posted by DrJJWMac View Post
* When a group "action" is a checked to be marked complete by completing the last action item, that group action would not even appear in a list of all actions needed (why should it, it is NOT a true action of its own). Nor would its count be included in the badge count.
Some people rely on the group name to figure out just which similarly named action it is. This would do them a disservice.

My Group (complete when last action is completed)
- action 1
- action 2

... would tally a badge count of 2 ACTIONS (rather than 3 "items") for its project and would show only ...

action 1
action 2

in a project list
If it doesn't show up in the project list, how do you propose to manipulate it? What will it look like? How will one know where the group ends and other actions or groups begin/end?

How does this make your life any better, if implemented as requested? I could see an argument being made for not counting the group if the auto-complete bit is turned on, but given that most actions come in widely differing sizes, it is difficult to get too worked up that one collection of actions might show up as a "7" instead of a "5" due to the counting of the groups when the total amount of work to be done might be dwarfed by a "2" or even a "1" in another project. I can also see an argument for not showing the group "header" in a context mode view if the auto-complete bit is on (though that loses you the chance to complete them all with one click), but you specifically mentioned "in a project list"...