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Life with GTD is far better when I look at a badge count on a project and know that it shows solely the true number of action steps that I have to complete for that project rather than the number of "items" (actions and groups of actions) that are "in" that project. The latter is more of a database management approach to "stuff to do", and for GTD, I hate having to interrupt my thought processes to remind myself of such possible exceptions.

As for showing, manipulating, and hiding action groups in lists, GTD life is again far better for me when a list of actions at certain levels shows only the true actions, especially excluding action groups that are marked as "complete at last step".

So, in summary, IMHO the power of OF to set action groups as "complete at last step" or not is washed out when that setting is not taken to its full, principled approach at [edit]the time when tasks are viewed in context to be ACTED ON[/edit]. Pardon me otherwise and no dis-respect to the approach taken, but marking special names on action groups to show them as "complete at last step" versus "open for continuation" is otherwise a kludge for me. I am actually using this suggestion as such by marking action groups with "Capital Letter Titles" versus actions with small letter "verb noun statement" formats, and it helps. It still however leaves me the confusion on action groups being "complete with last step" versus "stay open for editing" at [edit] the time I am ready to DO my actions[/edit].

This is all especially true on the iPhone version, which is to be my central tool.

Last edited by DrJJWMac; 2011-05-11 at 08:59 AM..