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Originally Posted by JohnJ80 View Post
I've *sort of* got this done.

I take my notes on my iPad using OOipad. I have three columns in OOipad - item, due and who. If there is an action item, it will have a "who" and maybe a "due".

Then I save this to my iDisk.

When I get back to the office, I open the outline with OOmac. I select only the OO cells that have action items (apple-click). I then have an applescript that will convert each action item (cell) in OOmac to an action in the quick entry box of OFmac. I add the context, project and any other information and save.

But, I agree, it would be superb to denote an action item in OOipad and have that linked to OFipad and then have it all sync to the mac so that it would be preserved there as well. That would be awesome.

John, I would love to see your scripts - are they posted anywhere? What I thought of doing is something like what you describe (am getting into using AppleScript for personal purposes). My thought was to have a checkbox column that will indicate that a particular line is a task. Once in OF for the Mac, the script could be run and have a selection formula to run only against the rows that have the task checbox checked. Once the task is generated in OF, I would grab the URI and stick it in the OO row (either in a column of its own or maybe appending it to the Note section, so that I could refer from the OO row to the OF task).
