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We do have plans to bring Forecast view to the Mac app (email the support ninjas to ask for it), but in the meantime, does a perspective like the following work for your purposes?

View -> Context Mode
View -> Sidebar Filter -> Remaining
View -> Grouping -> Start
View -> Sorting -> Start
View -> Availability Filter -> Available (hides stuff that hasn't started)
View -> Status Filter -> Any
View -> Estimate Filter -> Any

That'll give you a view with your in-progress items showing, with the oldest stuff at the top of the window and the stuff that starts today at the bottom.

(If you'd like, you can collapse the groups you don't want to see, and then tell the perspective to preserve that setting. See below.)

If that view would work for you, you can save it for future use by selecting Perspectives -> Save Window As -> New Perspective
from the menu bar.

Give the perspective whatever name you like. If you want to save the open/closed state of any of the groups in the window, make sure the "Restore: Expansion" box is checked in the Perspectives window. (If it isn't, just check the box, then re-save the perspective from the menu.)

Does that help?