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Just thought of another reason for tagging contexts...

Let's say I have projects that involve showing john a project proposal A and also calling him to ask a question about project B.

-show john proposal: @work, @agendas, @john

-call John about moving forward: @work, @john, @calls

Now let's say I have a meeting with John. If the system were on a pda, I could select

for my context

and see
-show john proposal
-call john about moving forward

In a system where one tasks only has one context. I would switch to
and see
-Ask Jane about projectC
-talk with george about why ac isn't working
-show john proposal:

notice I have to scan to find the task. With three items this is fine. But with 20 items, trying to find everything that relates to john becomes tedious. And john doesn't want to sit there waiting, while I'm scanning through my tasks looking for those pertaining to him.

My other alternative in a system where one task has only one context, I could do this.

But that is extremely inefficient, and soon my contexts are overwhelming.